Tuesday, 18 February 2014

                                      ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE
We shall now examine the theories relating to “Dasha Vichar”. We know that there are about 42 types of “Dasha Vichar according to the main texts of Indian Astrology but only Astottori, Vimshottori and Sorhasattori systems are mainly followed by the present day astrologers. According to these 3 systems and all other systems the maximum life span of human being is taken as 120 years as per Vimsottori system, 108 years as per Astottori and 116 years as per Sorhasottori system of Dasha Vichar. In this context it may be fairly concluded even according to the very ancient texts on Astrology, human life span is limited to 120 years at the maximum and is an admission of the fact that it was not possible for a Vedic sage to remain alive for more than that to study, compose, compile and finally write the astrological texts which are commonly known to be composed by Parashara, Bhrigu and Jaimini in Sanskrit language. (Please refer to my earlier post “VEDIC ASTRLOGY”- click on Older posts). The Dasha Vichar according to all the “Nakshatriki” systems including the three systems specifically mentioned above (Vimsottori, Astottori & Sorosattori) is calculated on the basis of Moon’s position in relation to one of 27 stars in the 12 zodiac signs. For example, according to Vimsottori system any person born when Moon is on Punarvasu, Vishakha or Purbavadrapada stars will be born with Jupiter dasha to start with and will follow Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu dasha respectively one after the other. He will start with Sun dasha if Moon is on Krittika, Uttarfalguni or Uttarasarha stars at the time of birth. We are not going into the detailed list of dasha according to the different systems of dhasha vichar. Our main issue is regarding the position of Moon on or near about the star at the time of birth which, according to Indian system, decides the initial dasha and the subsequest dasha a person has to go through in his life one after the other.   
The vital question is when the Moon’s position vis-à-vis the star is so important in astrology for “ Dasha Vichar” and prediction purposes, is the method applied to calculate and arrive at the position of the Moon and the star at the time of birth of a person accurate? The method adopted is to find the Star which appears nearest to the Moon on the date and place at the appointed time. We must take into account three factors which are a) that the stars are far away in the sky, 2) we see an object either when the light emitted from it reaches our eyes or when light is reflected from the object and hits our eyes and 3) that it takes time for the light to travel from the object to our eyes on earth. It may be noted here that light travels at a speed of 186000 miles per second. But most of the stars are so far away from us that the light from those stars, even travelling at so high speed of 186000 miles per second requires a number of years. There are number of stars in our Milky Way galaxy light from which takes more than 100 years to reach us. Some of the stars take about 1000 years or more.  Light from most of the stars in the 12 zodiac signs takes about 50 to 500 years to reach the earth.
In that context, keeping in mind the facts stated above, it may be safely concluded that when we see a star at a particular position in the sky, the said star was at that position only at some 50, 500 or 1000 years ago according to the distance it is situated away from earth and not now when it appears before our eyes. If a star is 50 light years away from earth its today’s accurate position at a particular point of time in the sky will be known only after 50 years when the light emitted by it now will reach our eyes. If the star is 500 light years away from us, we will know its today’s position only after expiry of 500 years. Therefore when we see a star nearest to the Moon and decide the Birth Star of the new born on the basis of which the new born’s “Dasha Vichar” is done , it is not done on the basis of facts and actual position of the star but on a seeming assumption and as it appears at the particular time of observation but not truly. Therefore when we see Moon near the star Vishakha or say Revati and decide about the Dasha in which the child is born, Moon is actually nowhere near that star. The decision of the dasha in which the child is born is absolutely not correct and so also the subsequent Dasha which the new born has to go through according to the prevalent system of calculation. We may therefore conclude that the Dasha Vichar system is absolutely faulty and totally misleading.
In Indian astrology all horoscope Dasha Vichar is done on the Birth Star or the Star which appears nearest to Moon and the turn of Dasha of the planets during the life time of the person are calculated and predicted on the basis of that seeming assumption and as it appears and on not the basis of facts or the accurate position of the Star and Moon’s position at the time of birth. The position of Star as it appears at any point of time from a place on earth is not its accurate position but only appears to be so. Therefore the Dasha Vichar calculation is done on such assumption or assumed and faulty basis. The entire prediction process in astrology is, therefore, blatantly faulty and imaginary devoid of any relation with the facts. I find many people getting afraid of Shani or Rahu dasha or a Dasha of a malefic planet which is totally unnecessary. I hope. You, by now, are fully convinced that the year, date and time indicated in your horoscope when all those dreadful period of bad and malicious dasha is predicted in your life, (even for argument’s sake we assume such predictions to have any truth at all) are all done on a totally wrong calculation due to a misinterpretation of the actual position of the stars in the sky.


Tuesday, 11 February 2014

                                      ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE
In Indian Astrology Moon Sign or Rashi is also very important. The physical and mental features as well as nature and character of a person are determined on the basis of the Moon Sign or Rashi also. Not only that “Gochara Phalam” or transit of planets and their results are also arrived at on the basis of one’s Rashi. “Dasha Vichar” according to Vimsottori or Astottari etc systems of “Dasha Vichar” is determined according to the position of the Moon in relation to a star in a zodiac sign.  In Indian astrology when a horoscope is cast, the astrologer, therefore,  arrive at the Moon Sign or Rashi of the person based on the birth date, time and place of birth of the person and also the Star in which the Moon is positioned to calculate the “Dasha Vichar”.
What is the Rashi or Moon Sign ? In short, the Rashi of a person in his horoscope, is the zodiac sign in which Moon is found at the time of his birth. Say, a child is born at 4.30 Am at a certain place on a certain date. The astrologer, with the help of a Panchang or almanac or according to the positional astronomy, finds out the zodiac sign where the Moon is on that date and time. The zodiac on which Moon is or nearest to the Moon is the Rashi of the new born. The star which is nearest to the Moon at that time is called the “Birth Star” on which the “Dasha Vichar” is determined.
The vital question is when the Moon Sign or Rashi is so important in astrology for prediction purposes, is the method applied to calculate and arrive at the Rashi or Moon Sign accurate? The method adopted is to find the zodiac sign which appears nearest to the Moon on the date and place at the appointed time. We are aware that a zodiac sign is an imaginary figure arrived at by drawing imaginary lines between some stars which appears to be close to each other on a plane surface in the sky. The fact however is that those stars are far apart from one another both horizontally and also vertically and have no relationship among those as a cogent and homogenous and homologous body capable of a concerted power and action. Therefore, we know that zodiac signs, which are imaginary creations of human beings, comprises of stars. We must also note three more factors which are a) that the stars are far away in the sky, 2) we see an object either when the light emitted from it reaches our eyes or when light is reflected from the object and hits our eyes and 3) that it takes time for the light to travel from the object to our eyes on earth. It may be noted here that light travels at a speed of 186000 miles per second. But most of the stars are so far away from us that the light from those stars, even travelling at so high speed of 186000 miles per second requires a number of years. There are stars in our Milky Way galaxy light from which takes more than 100 years to reach us. Light from most of the stars in the 12 zodiac signs takes about 50 to 500 years to reach the earth.
In that context, keeping in mind the facts stated above, it may be safely concluded that when we see a star and a zodiac sign at a particular position the sky, the said star or the zodiac sign was at that position only at some 50 or 500 years ago according to the distance it is situated away from earth and not now when it appears before our eyes. If a star is 50 light years away from earth its today’s position at a particular point of time in the sky will be known only after 50 years when the light emitted by it now will reach our eyes. If the star is 500 light years away from us, we will know its today’s position only after expiry of 500 years. Therefore when we see a zodiac sign or a star nearest to the Moon and decide the Moon Sign or Rashi and Birth Star of the new born, it is not done on the basis of facts and actual position of the zodiac and the star or stars but on a seeming assumption and as it appears at the particular time of observation but not truly.
In Indian astrology all horoscope are prepared and Moon sign or Rashi and Birth Star are calculated on the basis of that seeming assumption and as it appears and on not the basis of facts. The zodiac signs are imaginary figures and the calculation is done on a faulty basis. The entire prediction process in astrology is, therefore, blatantly faulty and imaginary devoid of any relation with the facts.


Friday, 31 January 2014

                                      ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE
In Indian Astrology Ascendant holds a key position. The physical and mental features as well as nature and character of a person are determined on the basis of his ascendant. The planets which are beneficial, harmful or neutral are determined on it. It also determines the zodiac signs and the lords who play important parts in deciding about the wealth, education, income, occupation, marriage and marital life, children, relatives, nature of calling and many other things. In Indian astrology when a horoscope is cast, the astrologer, therefore, first arrive at the ascendant of the person based on the birth date, time and place of the person.
What is the ascendant ? In short, the ascendant of a person in his horoscope, is the zodiac sign which rises on the eastern horizon at the time of his birth. Say, a child is born at 4.30 Am at a certain place on a certain date. The astrologer, with the help of a Panchang or almanac or according to the positional astronomy, finds out the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at that particular place on that date and time. The rising zodiac is the ascendant of the new born. The ascendant is considered as the first house. In the above case if Libra is rising, then Libra is considered as the ascendant and 1st house of the new born child. Scorpio onwards to Virgo are the 2nd to 12th houses respectively of the child. We all know that a day is divided into 24 hours and there are 12 zodiac signs in the sky. Therefore the ascendant or the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon changes roughly every two hours. The ascendant sign of children taking birth on the same date and place changes accordingly as per the time of their birth.
The vital question is when the ascendant has so much importance in horoscope and in astrology for prediction purposes, is the method applied to calculate and arrive at the ascendant is accurate? The method adopted is to find the zodiac sign which appears to rise on the eastern horizon on the date and place at the appointed time. We are aware that a zodiac sign is an imaginary figure arrived at by drawing imaginary lines between some stars which appears to be close to each other on a plane surface in the sky. The fact however is that those stars are far apart from one another both horizontally and also vertically and have no relationship among those as a cogent and homogenous and homologous body capable of a concerted power and action. Therefore, we know that zodiac signs, which are imaginary creations of human beings, comprises of stars. We must also note three more factors which are a) that the stars are far away in the sky, 2) we see an object either when the light emitted from it reaches our eyes or when light is reflected from the object and hits our eyes and 3) that it takes time for the light to travel from the object to our eyes on earth. It may be noted here that light travels at a speed of 186000 miles per second. But most of the stars are so far away from us that the light from those stars, even travelling at so high speed of 186000 miles per second requires a number of years. There are stars in our Milky Way galaxy light from which takes more than 100 years to reach us. Light from most of the stars in the 12 zodiac signs takes about 50 to 500 years to reach the earth.
In that context, keeping in mind the facts stated above, it may be safely concluded that when we see a star and a zodiac sign at a particular position the sky, the said star or the zodiac sign was at that position only at some 50 or 500 years ago according to the distance it is situated away from earth and not now when it appears before our eyes. If a star is 50 light years away from earth its today’s position at a particular point of time in the sky will be known only after 50 years when the light emitted by it now will reach our eyes. Therefore when we see a zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon and decide the ascendant in the horoscope, it is not done on the basis of facts but on a seeming assumption and as it appears but not truly.
In Indian astrology all horoscope are prepared and ascendants are calculated on the basis of that seeming assumption and as it appears and on not the basis of facts. The zodiac signs are imaginary figures and the calculation of ascendant is done on a faulty basis. The entire prediction process in astrology is, therefore, blatantly faulty and imaginary  devoid of any relation with the facts.


Wednesday, 22 January 2014

                                        ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE
It is said that unless the birth time is recorded correctly, horoscope reading will also not be perfect. The watch recording the event must also give correct time. We all know that. But even when the watch gives perfect and accurate time and the time of birth is recorded accurately, will it give the position of stars and planets with the same accuracy ? I was born as the Sun rose on the horizon. In my horoscope the Sun is in the same line as Aries and at 9.45 degree of Aries. It is said that Sun is exalted in my horoscope. Everyone in my family was very happy. But the question is that did the Sun rise on the horizon exactly at that time as noted in my horoscope at the place of my birth on that date? After taking into consideration the Standard time, Local time. Sidereal time etc. etc. and calculations normally required to arrive the time of my birth for the purpose of calculating the ascendant and for casting my horoscope, I still think that the Sun did not rise on the horizon at the moment and time as noted in my horoscope and as recorded by the time shown on the watch. We know that we see an object when the light either directly or reflected from the object, hits our eyes. Therefore the time taken by light to travel from that object to the eyes of the observer should also be taken into account. Do we consider the time taken by light to travel from the object to the observer also into account when noting the time of happening of the event ? In the case of Sun it takes about 9 minutes for the light to travel from Sun to the earth. Therefore when we see Sun rising and touching the horizon and note the time as per our watch, the actual event happened about nine minutes before that. And when we see the event of Sun rising on the horizon, the Sun actually moves a little higher on the sky. Those having knowledge of Astrology will confirm that such difference of 9 minutes in the time of birth may actually make a difference in ascertaining the Ascendant in some suitable cases. Thus the Sun, in my horoscope, is not at the position shown but a little ahead. My horoscope does not accurately reflect the position of the Sun.  In fact not only in my case but  for everyone else too the same rule applies. Their actual birth times are nine minutes prior to those recorded by watches and also as in their horoscopes. So it can be said that their horoscopes are faulty as a result of a sheer misconception. In case of Sun, it may be matter of a few minutes but we must also check how it reflects in cases of other planets.
My brother’s horoscope is much better. It has exalted Saturn at 19 degrees in Libra and exalted Jupiter at 4 degrees in Cancer. It was a cause for great jubilation. Then I somewhere found that the four major stars which constitute the Libra constellation 1) Alpha Librae or Zubenelgenubi is 77 light years,  2) Gemma Librae or Zubenelakrb is 152 light years, 3) Iota Librae is 377 light years and  4) Mu Librae is 235 light years away from the earth. It means that when my brother was born and Saturn was seen as in the zodiac sign of Libra, those stars forming the Libra sign may or may not have been at that position and/or Saturn was not in Libra at all. This is because when we saw those stars of Libra constellation it was the light emitted by those stars about 77 years to 377 years prior to the time of birth of my brother and as seen in the sky. Those stars were there so many years ago and not exactly at the time we saw those at the time of my brother’s birth. The same thing happened with Cancer. The 3 major stars comprising Cancer constellation are Beta Cancri or Al Tarf, Iota Cancri and Alpha Cancri which are 290, 158 and 173 light years respectively away from the earth. Therefore, Jupiter was not actually in Cancer at my brother’s birth time. But one point is sure that those stars will be at that very spot when we saw them during my brother’s birth but only after 77 years, 152 years, 377 years and 235 years respectively in case of those stars belonging to Libra and 290 years, 158 years and 173 years respectively in case of those stars of Cancer constellation. But Saturn and Jupiter will not be on the same spot at those times. But why not ? We all know that Saturn covers the 12 zodiac signs in 30 years. If it is in Libra today, it will come back to Libra after 30 years again. So, Saturn will not be in Libra after 77, 152, 377 or 235 years as none of those years are multiples of 30.   In case of Jupiter, it covers all the 12 zodiacs in 12 years. If it is in Cancer on a particular day it will again be seen on Cancer after 12 years. Therefore, by a simple calculation we find out that Jupiter will not be in the same place as the Cancer after 290, 158 or 173 years.
What happened with mine and my brother’s horoscopes happens with everybody else. In fact the position of planets vis-à-vis the zodiac signs at a particular point of time as seen from the earth, is never accurate. It just appears that a planet is in line with a star and/or a zodiac when we see it but their relative actual positions in the sky is not the same. What appears before our eyes is not the true position. Yet, we cast out horoscopes on the basis of what appears before our eyes, which is an illusion in fact. We also depend on it for prediction of events in our lives and also use it as a guide in our lives. 


Sunday, 12 January 2014

                           ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE

In Astrological text we find a Sanskrit Sloka which reads as followd :
Guru: Pata: Shani: Keturgraha: Syurdhadashakramat.”
Astrologers claim that the Sloka is composed  by Rushi Parashara, which when translated means that Ravi (Sun), Chandra (Moon) Mangal ( Mars), Budha (Mercury), Brihaspati (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus) and Shani (Saturn) are the seven planets which are visible in the sky and are called as “Prakash Graha.
In Astrology, it is believed  Sage Parashara stated that even the Sun and the Moon are planets and belong to the group of the seven planets which are visible. We have already discussed in one of our previous posts about the point whether such astrological treaties were really composed by the Vedic sage Parashara or by some other person at a much later date either having assumed the pseudonym Parashara or having Parashara as his name also. We will now take up the subject on what Astrology states about where the Planets were born or in other words what are the birth places of the different planets according to the Sloka quoted above..
Where do you think was the Sun born ? I would say that the Sun was born somewhere in space within the Milky Way galaxy in the sky above and I believe all of you will agree with me. But no. We are all wrong if we have faith in Astrology and particularly the one most revered as the Vedic Astrology, followed by the astrologers in India.  I quote the Sloka written in Sanskrit :
“Utpannaharka: Kalingeshu Yamunayancha Chandrama:
 Angarakastvbatyancha Magadhesu Himangshuja:
Saindhabesu Gururjata: Shukro Bhojkatey tatha.
Shanishcharastu Sourastre Rahurvainatikey Pure
Antarvedyang Tatha Keturityeta Grahavumaya.”
Now we know that the Sun was not born in space within the Milky Way Galaxy but was born on earth in Kalinga, India. Yes Sire. It is in India where the Sun was born and the place of its birth is in Kalinga (the place known as Odisha in present time). However, how and when the Sun went to its present position in the sky above is not known. Astrological texts also do not enlighten us on that point.  Not only the Sun but all other planets were born on this poor earth only and fortunately for us in India itself.  Though we could not find any other Sloka to find out the dates and times of birth of those planets but we hope our learned astrologers have some records to give us the details. If our learned astrologers help us with the information, we can prepare the horoscopes of all of them and know their future. Now let us note down the birth places of those planets on the basis of the Sloka quoted above :
The Sun was born in Kalinga , Moon in Yamuna. We do not know whether it is the river named  Yamuna or a city, town or village known by that name. Mangal (Mars) was born in Avanti Desha and Budh (Mercury) in Magadha (i.e., a place in present day Bihar). Guru or Jupiter was born in Sind (now in Pakistan), Shukra or Venus in Bhoj and Shani or Saturn was born in Saurashtra. It did not stop at that. Even Rahu and Ketu, the two imperceptible planets (Aprakash Graha) were also born in Vainatikpur and Antarvedi. However, I must admit that I do not know where these two places were or are now.
Thus we see that the Divine Science of Astrology gives us enough information related to the birth places of our planets which however does not agree in the least to what we have learnt in our school and college days. So in order to be a devout believer of astrology, the so called divine science we have to completely disregard what Aryabhatta, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein and the like have taught us and so shall we do to be a pious believer.


Sunday, 5 January 2014

                                      ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE

There are nine planets under the Indian system of Astrology. Those are Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Earth is not considered as a planet. But Sun and Moon are considered as planets but Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not. Instead Rahu and Ketu are.
The first question that arises in our minds is why earth is not considered as a planet though it is one of the planets in the Solar system and where we live. Astrology came into being in Babylon in the very early days of civilization. Later it spread into other countries in the middle-east. Greeks also became interested in the subject and they developed the subject further. The people in those countries believed that earth is at the center of the universe and all objects in the sky including Sun, Moon, different planets and Stars revolve around the earth. We must however, note that those people, even in those early days of civilization, could distinguish between a planet and a star and rightly identified Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as planets as distinct from the stars. Originally those people did not know about Rahu and Ketu and did not consider those two as planets or any entity at all in their scheme of things. Rahu and Ketu were included as planets by the Indian astrologers.
Astrology came to India through the middle-east countries and after the invasion of Alexander, the Great, the improvements made by the Greek astrologers also became known to the Indian astrologers. Astrologers, in India, also believed that earth is at the center of the universe and all astral bodies including Sun, Moon, planets and stars revolve around the earth. This is the reason that in Indian astrology Sun and Moon are considered as planets and not as a star and a satellite of earth respectively. And this is also the reason that earth and its position is not indicated in a horoscope. In the horoscope its position is at the center.
Indian astrologers had no knowledge of the existence of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and those have not been included in the list of planets. The knowledge of their existence came at a much later time but astrology in India did not include those in the system because they did not find reference about their nature, qualities etc. in any of the ancient texts. Some astrologers, however, take those also into account and attribute some characteristics but such ideas are generally not followed by all.
Here is a peculiar situation that many new ideas like “Sade Sati” “Kaal Sarpa” etc. have been invented and incorporated in Indian astrology and those ideas have been accepted by almost all the astrologers and they also make predictions on that basis and also prescribe remedies to get relief from the supposed ill effects of “sade sati” and “kaal sarpa”. The most possible reason may be that the astrologers may not have found any personal advantage in taking Uranus, Neptune and Plato and incorporating those in the system but could see a great financial advantage to themselves by incorporating the ideas of “sade sati” and “kaal sarpa”. 
In the final analysis we find that in astrology Sun is a planet, Moon is a planet and Rahu and Ketu are also planets. In fact we have a “Stotra” which is known as “Nava Graha Stotra” which gives a short description of each of those and extol their virtue.  The basic facts on which horoscopes are drawn and predictions made are erroneous and yet millions of people in India depend on the system and have faith on it.  
