In Indian Astrology Moon
Sign or Rashi is also very important. The physical and mental features as well
as nature and character of a person are determined on the basis of the Moon
Sign or Rashi also. Not only that “Gochara Phalam” or transit of planets and
their results are also arrived at on the basis of one’s Rashi. “Dasha Vichar”
according to Vimsottori or Astottari etc systems of “Dasha Vichar” is
determined according to the position of the Moon in relation to a star in a
zodiac sign. In Indian astrology when a
horoscope is cast, the astrologer, therefore,
arrive at the Moon Sign or Rashi of the person based on the birth date,
time and place of birth of the person and also the Star in which the Moon is
positioned to calculate the “Dasha Vichar”.
What is the Rashi or
Moon Sign ? In short, the Rashi of a person in his horoscope, is the zodiac
sign in which Moon is found at the time of his birth. Say, a child is born at
4.30 Am at a certain place on a certain date. The astrologer, with the help of
a Panchang or almanac or according to the positional astronomy, finds out the
zodiac sign where the Moon is on that date and time. The zodiac on which Moon
is or nearest to the Moon is the Rashi of the new born. The star which is
nearest to the Moon at that time is called the “Birth Star” on which the “Dasha
Vichar” is determined.
The vital question is
when the Moon Sign or Rashi is so important in astrology for prediction
purposes, is the method applied to calculate and arrive at the Rashi or Moon
Sign accurate? The method adopted is to find the zodiac sign which appears nearest
to the Moon on the date and place at the appointed time. We are aware that a
zodiac sign is an imaginary figure arrived at by drawing imaginary lines
between some stars which appears to be close to each other on a plane surface
in the sky. The fact however is that those stars are far apart from one another
both horizontally and also vertically and have no relationship among those as a
cogent and homogenous and homologous body capable of a concerted power and
action. Therefore, we know that zodiac signs, which are imaginary creations of
human beings, comprises of stars. We must also note three more factors which
are a) that the stars are far away in the sky, 2) we see an object either when
the light emitted from it reaches our eyes or when light is reflected from the
object and hits our eyes and 3) that it takes time for the light to travel from
the object to our eyes on earth. It may be noted here that light travels at a
speed of 186000 miles per second. But most of the stars are so far away from us
that the light from those stars, even travelling at so high speed of 186000
miles per second requires a number of years. There are stars in our Milky Way
galaxy light from which takes more than 100 years to reach us. Light from most
of the stars in the 12 zodiac signs takes about 50 to 500 years to reach the
In that context,
keeping in mind the facts stated above, it may be safely concluded that when we
see a star and a zodiac sign at a particular position the sky, the said star or
the zodiac sign was at that position only at some 50 or 500 years ago according
to the distance it is situated away from earth and not now when it appears
before our eyes. If a star is 50 light years away from earth its today’s
position at a particular point of time in the sky will be known only after 50
years when the light emitted by it now will reach our eyes. If the star is 500
light years away from us, we will know its today’s position only after expiry
of 500 years. Therefore when we see a zodiac sign or a star nearest to the Moon
and decide the Moon Sign or Rashi and Birth Star of the new born, it is not
done on the basis of facts and actual position of the zodiac and the star or
stars but on a seeming assumption and as it appears at the particular time of
observation but not truly.
In Indian astrology all
horoscope are prepared and Moon sign or Rashi and Birth Star are calculated on
the basis of that seeming assumption and as it appears and on not the basis of
facts. The zodiac signs are imaginary figures and the calculation is done on a
faulty basis. The entire prediction process in astrology is, therefore, blatantly
faulty and imaginary devoid of any relation with the facts.
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