In astrology it is considered that some planets are mutually
friends to each other and some planets are mutual enemies. To state a few examples
of friendship, mention may be made of relations between Sun and Mars, Mars and
Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. So also, to mention about enmity, some examples
are relationship between Sun and Venus, Saturn and Mars and between Mercury and
Jupiter. There is a peculiar relationship between Mecury and Moon. Mercury is
friendly towards Moon but Moon is an enemy of Mercury.
The natural question is how such relationship is ascertained
and is known, the basis of such relationship, whether it has a logical and
scientific basis and whether it is verifiable. Astrologers state that the
nature of the planets is such that the relationship is most natural. It totally
depends on the qualities and characteristics of a planet which determine its
friendly planet and its enemy planet or a relationship of mutual equilibrium. It
is stated in support of such relationship theory that each planet has some
inherent qualities, nature and attributes. It is a fact that everything, living
or inanimate, having consciousness or not and having a mind or not, have some
qualities, and attributes. The question, however, is how do we ascertain and
fix the characteristics, qualities or attributes of each planet? Is there any
evidence in support of such claim that the planets have the qualities as stated
in astrology? Is there any method through which it can be verified? In this
connection it may be mentioned that the astrologers and almost all astrologers
refer to the tide and ebb happening on earth due to the attraction of sun and
moon. It is an accepted scientific fact that mass attracts mass, matter
attracts matter. Tide and ebb happens due to that attraction or gravitational
force. They also state that moon affects the mind and in cases of some people
mental change happens either on full moon and new moon days. Yes, it happens in
some cases. Sight of a mountain or the sea also brings a change in one’s mind.
Every object in and around us affect our body, mind and life. A tree or a
number of trees affect our life. A skyscraper beside my small residential
building may block the sunlight and flow of air and thus affect my life. A
river, a mountain or a dustbin near my residence affect our health and mind. We
know of cases where a person’s certain mental attitude and affliction become
more pronounced and visible during new moon or on full moon days. But based on
such events can we come to a conclusion that the sun, moon or any other planets
affects our individual inclination, aptitude and events in our lives and that
it affects whether service or business will be good for any of us or when one
may get a job or do better in business and also the time of marriage etc.etc.? Can it be linked that it happens only in such
cases where persons are born on certain day, date, time and place? Is there a
cause and effect relationship between the affliction of Moon with the day,
date, time and place a person is born in?
There is no record in support of such astrological claims. It has rather
been established that such mental conditions happens only in such cases with
certain physical and mental conditions depending on the circumstances,
environment and factors in the life of the afflicted person which has no
relation either with the Moon or any other planet or also with his date, time
and place of birth. So also there are no records to prove that the day, date
and place and the position of stars and planets determine the events on earth
and the lives of living beings on earth. No cause and effect relationship has
been established in support of such astrological theories.
Enmity and Friendship between planets, as stated in astrology
has no rational or scientific basis and are based on certain assumptions only.
It is believed that the planets possess certain qualities and if those are
compatible with each other, then they are friends and if the qualities are
opposite in nature, they are enemies of each other. But the qualities and characteristics
attributed to planets are based on mere assumptions and imaginations and not
based on facts and evidences. There is no record to prove those qualities of
each planet and no prescribed method to verify such qualities attributed to a
Predictions made on the basis of such assumptions of
friendliness or animosity between planets is mere guesswork and has no logical
or scientific basis.
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