Numerology is a system where it is believed that each
number or digit is related to a planet and each letter as per English language
is related to a number or digit. It is also believed that number or numbers
arrived by calculating the date of birth guide and control our lives. It is
further believed that by making suitable changes in the spelling of name of a
person, his fate can also be changed.
In this system the date of birth is taken as per the English calendar
and the name as spelt in English only. If a person is born on say 6th
December, 2012, his number is taken by the date “6” and then again by adding
all the numbers as per his birth date of 6.12.2012 which comes to 6+1+2+2+0+1+2=14+
1+4=5. In this case the number as per the date only is “6” and the number as
per his complete date of birth is “5”.
From the numbers so arrived, various predictions are made about the
person. Then his name as spelt in English is also converted into a number and
examined how far the name and the date of birth is compatible to each other. If
the spelling of the name is not compatible to the number as per the birth date,
it is normally suggested to make suitable changes in the spelling of the name
to make it compatible with the date of birth. It is propagated that such changes
brings beneficial effects in the life of the person.
However while so calculating, the date as per the native
or traditional calendar followed by the people of a country or in any
particular region of the country is not taken at all. The name and spelling as
per the local language or vernacular followed in a country or in any region of
a country is also totally ignored.
.It may be mentioned here that the date, month
and year of birth are not the same as per the English calendar and the calendar
normally followed by the people in their native land. In my case the number of
the date of birth arrived as per my traditional native calendar and the English
is 8 according to one and 3 according to the other. The total number arrived
taking the date, month and year according to the two calendars are also
different. It is 8 according to one and 1 according to the other. In the case
of name, Numerology do not consider the name spelt as per the native language
or the vernacular. Do we consider whether the name, spelt in English before or
after alteration to make it compatible with date of birth as per English
calendar, will match with the date of birth as per the native calendar followed
by our forefathers for generations ? All
religious and social functions are still held in our household according to
that traditional native calendar. Some of these calendars are coming in and are
being followed from time much before the introduction of the English calendar.
Then comes the question whether the name when spelt in vernacular and whether a
name spelt in English or altered as now suggested as per English date and spelt
in English will be equally compatible with the name when spelt in vernacular
and with the date of birth as per the traditional local (native) calendar ? A
question may be asked as to the reasons why we should totally discard our
native language, and native calendar ? Some of the calendars followed in
different countries are in use from a much earlier date and time than the
English one. What are the shortcomings of that or those calendars so that we
will have to adopt English calendar only for knowing and changing my life and destiny
The same question may also be raised about the
language. English language and English alphabets cannot properly adapt to all
the words and alphabets used in the native languages used by different people
all over the world. In India we have use of three “S” each having a different
pronunciation and characteristics and used to denote different meaning when a
word is formed. This also applies to use of “R” “Swara-Varna “A” and “Aa”
‘Antastha A” “YA” “J” etc. The names spelt as per various languages followed in
India can never be properly spelt in all cases into English. The same is true
of other languages followed in different countries.
It is
believed that each English number or digit relates to a planet in the sky and
the alphabets in English are related to a number. Do we know how, when and who
decided about which number shall relate to which planet and which English
alphabet will relate to which number? What is the logical or scientific basis
of such selection? Can it be found in any religious texts? What methodology or
logic or reason were adopted to arrive at such a decision ? There is nothing on
record to show that and no scientific and logical effort is made to establish
such allocations. We have no knowledge of it but we believe and follow it.
We also know that the English calendar was
revised not just once but several times. The number of days in a month was
changed several times. Therefore, it is a normal feature that when the number
of days in a month is changed, it will automatically change the date of birth
of a person born on a certain date. Suppose a man is born on 31st of a month.
His birth number becomes 4 (3+1). But if the number of days of the month is
changed to 30 days, his date of birth becomes the 1st of the next month. and his
birth number becomes 1 (and not 4). The question naturally comes is when it was
decided and by which authority that the date in a month relate to a planet
(whether before change of number of days in the calendar or after it). What
method was adopted to decide that point ? Is that method logical and scientific
and have a cause & effect relationship between the number and the planet ?.
Now consider about the people who do not use
English in their daily lives or at all, say the people of Russia, China, Japan,
France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain and many of the countries in Africa and the
middle-east and a vast number of people in the Indian peninsula, the South-east
Asia and South America. . Numerology does not apply in their cases, because
they do not use English. Numerology is applicable, if at all, in a limited
number of cases who use both English
language and English calendar exclusively for all and every purpose of their
lives. So, numerology, if applicable and
having any real effect at all, is not universally applicable. Any System, which
cannot be applied universally or which do not have universal application and
which cannot be verified through a logical and scientific analysis, has no
truth in it.
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