Saturday, 28 December 2013

                                        ASPECT OF PLANETS
                                           ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE
In Astrology, it is believed that the planets look into and towards the direction of the various zodiac signs and if any planet is in that zodiac or house, it also look on or cast aspect on that planet also. But the planets do not cast aspect equally in all directions and on all the zodiac signs. Each planet follows a different mode, pattern and direction and more on some zodiac signs and less on others. For example, Jupiter casts full aspect on the 5th, 7th and 9th houses or zodiac signs from the place it is in the horoscope calculated anti-clock-wise. It also casts 3/4th aspects on 4th & 8th places and 1/4th aspect on 3rd & 10th houses. Mars casts full aspect on the 4th, 7th and 8th places, 50% aspect on 5th & 9th and 1/4th aspect on 3rd & 10th houses. Saturn, on the other hand, casts full aspect on 3rd, 7th and 10th houses, 3/4th aspect on 4th & 8th houses and ½ aspect on 5th & 9th houses. The subject also states that all other planets including Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu also casts aspects on different zodiac signs and on planets therein somewhere fully and somewhere at a lesser degree.  
It may be said that such “looking” or “Casting aspect” so selectively, more in some directions and less in other, is possible if the planet has a conscious mind which it can apply and use it at its discretion or if the planets body or structure is such that reflection of light or energy and its forces acts in such a fashion that its forces act in that order. In Indian astrology planets are not only taken to be conscious but are also given the position of God or a deity by the names of Guru for Jupiter, Shani Deva for Saturn, Daitya Guru Shukracharyya for Venus and so on. Astrologers consider the planets as living being having a conscious mind. But so far no proof has been forwarded in support of such claim and it has not been established that the planets are living beings having a mind which it can apply at its own free will. It may also be mentioned here that such personification of the planets has been condemned both in the Vedas and the Upanisadas.   
On the other hand we know that the planets are round in shape except for Saturn which, though round in shape, has three rings around it. All the planets rotate around their axes while revolving round the Sun. The normal rule states that a round object, if emitting any force, energy or power, will do so only in equal proportion all around it while rotating and revolving at the same time.  It will not do so selectively more in one direction and less in another. Therefore the fact is in contradiction with the astrological theory of selective aspect of planets.
We therefore find that the astrological theory on aspect of planets selectively on the different houses or zodiac signs is not supported either by facts or by any rules of nature.  The theory of aspect of planets in astrology is a figment of wild imagination and has no logical or scientific basis.


Sunday, 22 December 2013

                               OWNERSHIP OF ZODIAC SIGNS BY PLANETS
                                      ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE

In astrology each planet owns at the least one zodiac. Mars is considered the owner of Aries and Scorpio, Venus  the owner of Taurus and Libra and Mercury the owner of Gemini and Virgo and so on. Only Sun and Moon own one zodiac each. Sun is the owner of Leo and Moon is the owner of Cancer.
The theory of ownership of zodiac by a planet in the solar system is possibly the most bizarre and ludicrous of them all.  We very well know that a planet is attracted to Sun by the pull of its gravitation and revolves around the Sun due to the operation of two opposite forces. The Sun attracts the planets and the planets’ force drives it towards the outer space. These are known as centrifugal and centripetal forces.  The planets can neither go beyond the gravitational field of Sun nor fall back on Sun and merge with it. They go around the Sun in their respective orbits. As a result, a planet and its forces and energy, if any, are restricted within the gravitational field of the solar system. In view of this we will have to consider the astrological theory of ownership of zodiacs by the planets.
A planet which does not have the power and energy to go beyond the solar system, owns a zodiac which consists of more than one star (sometimes as many as 7 or 8) some of which are much bigger in size than our Sun lying millions and millions of miles away in the sky. We shall have to take that as granted if we believe in astrology and its various theories used for predictions of events, past, present and future.
Some people interpret that ownership does not mean ownership as such but that the planet rules over that house or zodiac. It is difficult to understand the difference between the terms “ownership” and “Rule over” in the present context. There is, however, no explanation regarding the system through which a planet in a solar system, limited in its power within the gravitational field of Sun, can rule over a zodiac consisting of several stars lying far far away in the sky.
Some others interpret such ownership stating that the nature, character and attributes of the planet and zodiac being the same and compatible,  match well. There again the question remains about how the nature, characteristics or attributes of both the planet and the zodiac as a whole is known. Can it be verified ?  No explanation is offered in support of such claim and as proof in support. How do we know about the qualities and characteristics of the planets and the zodiacs ? There is no explanation or method to prove such qualities and characteristics. It may be noted that astrological predictions depend on the said theory of ownership of zodiac by the planets.
Lastly a question may be asked that zodiac signs, as we know, are creations of human imagination and are only imaginary figures. Zodiac signs are the creations of human beings by drawing imaginary lines between a few stars which appear to be lying close to one another on a plane surface in the sky. Therefore any idea about their ownership, rule, nature, characteristics or attributes are also bound to be imaginary.

Monday, 16 December 2013

                              ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE
If we watch the sky and the movement of the planets, it is sometimes noticed that a planet is moving backwards as if in a reverse gear. Normally each planet moves in its orbit in a single forward motion. But sometimes it is seen as moving in the opposite direction. This is known as “retrograde movement” of planets. Astrologers believe that planets, while moving in its orbit in one direction, suddenly stops moving in the same direction and then start moving backwards or on reverse direction. This backward movement is known as retrograde movement in astrology.
However, the truth and the fact is that retrograde movement of planets as seen from the earth is actually an optical illusion. The planets while revolving in its orbit around the Sun, move in a single forward motion and never move backwards or retrograde. If the planets actually suddenly start moving backwards, it would cause a total chaos or “Pralaya” in the solar system. In a single year more such retrograde movement can be observed in case of more than one planet. Sometimes even more than a single planet go into retrograde position. Yet, it does not cause any turmoil in the solar system and no “Pralay” happens. The movement of planets does not depend on their own sweet will so that those are able to change direction at random or at their own pleasure. The movement of planets in their own orbit is caused by the operation of two natural forces known as centrifugal and centripetal forces. One of the said two forces attracts the planet towards the sun and the other which tries to force it away and beyond the gravitational pull of the Sun. The result of these two opposite forces make it move round the sun in an orbit. It is also not true that another natural force or energy start operating in between the centrifugal and centripetal forces and causes retrograde movement of planets. The retrograde or backward motion of planets as seen from the earth may be aptly explained by a comparison when two moving objects running in the same direction run at different speed. When you are travelling by train you see another person who is also moving in the same direction as the train but on a cycle on a road by the side of railway track at a speed slower than the train. The train’s speed being more than the cycle, you will see as if the man on the cycle is moving backwards although he is actually moving forward in the same direction as you are. This is the retrograde movement. The reverse of this happens when you move in the opposite direction of each other. From the train it will seem to you that the cyclist is approaching you too fast. This is known as the “Atichar Gati” in astrological terms. The earth revolves round the sun in 365 days but Jupiter takes 12 years on earth to complete its journey around sun. Jupiter takes more time primarily because it is farther away from sun than earth and therefore, its orbit is much bigger and it has to cover a much longer route to complete its journey. When earth and Jupiter comes on the same side in their journey, from earth it appears that at certain stage Jupiter starts moving backwards. In reality Jupiter does not move backwards. It carries on its forward movement in the same track at its normal speed. But, from earth, it so appears that Jupiter has stopped moving forward and started moving back. It is the same feeling which a person experiences while travelling in a train and watching a cyclist on the road beside who is also moving in the same direction. The entire experience is an optical illusion.
That the retrograde movements or “Atichar Gati” movement of planets is an optical illusion and not a natural phenomenon actually happening can be proved from another example. We all know that earth is also a planet. If all other planets have retrograde movement and “Atichar Gati: movement, then Earth, as a planet, must also have those movements while revolving round the sun. In fact, if we go to the outer space or into another planet, say, Jupiter or Saturn, we also can observe the retrograde movement and “Atichar Gati” of the earth from there. Now the question is whether the earth actually move backwards or in reverse gear while revolving round the sun. We all know that seasons on Earth change due to the revolution of earth around the Sun. The different seasons like summer, rains, spring etc. comes to Earth because of its movement around the Sun. If Earth actually moved backwards while going thru its orbit around the Sun, we would have experienced a peculiar change of season where we would have experienced a repeat of the season already ended even after the advent of the next season. In that case after going thru summer for a certain period of time, spring will start coming back and we would enjoy spring for quite some days  and summer would come back again after those few days of repeat spring on earth. So also, while passing thru heavy rains during the rainy season, suddenly summer would appear back. Temperature would rise high, Land would start drying etc. And again after that spell of summer, rains would come back for a second time. And this process would continue to happen from time to time throughout the year and also year after year without a break. That apart, we would have witnessed another spectacle right from the earth itself. We would have seen all the objects in the sky, the stars etc. moving in the opposite direction than as we see those normally from east to west during the night on all those days when the Earth goes into retrograde movement. The stars would then appear to move from west to east in the sky during those days of retrograde movement of earth.  And during day time the sun would rise in the west and set in the east. Does it happen or  happened ever ?  No. Because, during retrograde movement the earth actually do not move backwards or on the reverse but continue to move in the same direction it normally does everyday throughout the year. We actually do not experience any such thing on earth. Because the Earth does not actually make any such backward movement.      

In astrology so many predictions are made on the basis of retrograde motion of planets but in fact such retrograde motion of planets is nothing but an optical illusion and not happening actually. Therefore the entire predictions based on retrograde movement of planets and also “Atichar Gati” are purely imaginary and rather illusionary and not based on facts.                                                 .


Friday, 6 December 2013

                                 N U M E R O L O G Y
                                                 ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE

Numerology is a system where it is believed that each number or digit is related to a planet and each letter as per English language is related to a number or digit. It is also believed that number or numbers arrived by calculating the date of birth guide and control our lives. It is further believed that by making suitable changes in the spelling of name of a person, his fate can also be changed.   In this system the date of birth is taken as per the English calendar and the name as spelt in English only.  If a person is born on say 6th December, 2012, his number is taken by the date “6” and then again by adding all the numbers as per his birth date of 6.12.2012 which comes to 6+1+2+2+0+1+2=14+ 1+4=5. In this case the number as per the date only is “6” and the number as per his complete date of birth is “5”.  From the numbers so arrived, various predictions are made about the person. Then his name as spelt in English is also converted into a number and examined how far the name and the date of birth is compatible to each other. If the spelling of the name is not compatible to the number as per the birth date, it is normally suggested to make suitable changes in the spelling of the name to make it compatible with the date of birth. It is propagated that such changes brings beneficial effects in the life of the person.
However while so calculating, the date as per the native or traditional calendar followed by the people of a country or in any particular region of the country is not taken at all. The name and spelling as per the local language or vernacular followed in a country or in any region of a country is also totally ignored.

.It may be mentioned here that the date, month and year of birth are not the same as per the English calendar and the calendar normally followed by the people in their native land. In my case the number of the date of birth arrived as per my traditional native calendar and the English is 8 according to one and 3 according to the other. The total number arrived taking the date, month and year according to the two calendars are also different. It is 8 according to one and 1 according to the other. In the case of name, Numerology do not consider the name spelt as per the native language or the vernacular. Do we consider whether the name, spelt in English before or after alteration to make it compatible with date of birth as per English calendar, will match with the date of birth as per the native calendar followed by our forefathers for generations ?  All religious and social functions are still held in our household according to that traditional native calendar. Some of these calendars are coming in and are being followed from time much before the introduction of the English calendar. Then comes the question whether the name when spelt in vernacular and whether a name spelt in English or altered as now suggested as per English date and spelt in English will be equally compatible with the name when spelt in vernacular and with the date of birth as per the traditional local (native) calendar ? A question may be asked as to the reasons why we should totally discard our native language, and native calendar ? Some of the calendars followed in different countries are in use from a much earlier date and time than the English one. What are the shortcomings of that or those calendars so that we will have to adopt English calendar only for knowing and changing my life and destiny ?
The same question may also be raised about the language. English language and English alphabets cannot properly adapt to all the words and alphabets used in the native languages used by different people all over the world. In India we have use of three “S” each having a different pronunciation and characteristics and used to denote different meaning when a word is formed. This also applies to use of “R” “Swara-Varna “A” and “Aa” ‘Antastha A” “YA” “J” etc. The names spelt as per various languages followed in India can never be properly spelt in all cases into English. The same is true of other languages followed in different countries.  
 It is believed that each English number or digit relates to a planet in the sky and the alphabets in English are related to a number. Do we know how, when and who decided about which number shall relate to which planet and which English alphabet will relate to which number? What is the logical or scientific basis of such selection? Can it be found in any religious texts? What methodology or logic or reason were adopted to arrive at such a decision ? There is nothing on record to show that and no scientific and logical effort is made to establish such allocations. We have no knowledge of it but we believe and follow it.
We also know that the English calendar was revised not just once but several times. The number of days in a month was changed several times. Therefore, it is a normal feature that when the number of days in a month is changed, it will automatically change the date of birth of a person born on a certain date. Suppose a man is born on 31st of a month. His birth number becomes 4 (3+1). But if the number of days of the month is changed to 30 days, his date of birth becomes the 1st of the next month. and his birth number becomes 1 (and not 4). The question naturally comes is when it was decided and by which authority that the date in a month relate to a planet (whether before change of number of days in the calendar or after it). What method was adopted to decide that point ? Is that method logical and scientific and have a cause & effect relationship between the number and the planet ?.
Now consider about the people who do not use English in their daily lives or at all, say the people of Russia, China, Japan, France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain and many of the countries in Africa and the middle-east and a vast number of people in the Indian peninsula, the South-east Asia and South America. . Numerology does not apply in their cases, because they do not use English. Numerology is applicable, if at all, in a limited number of cases who use both  English language and English calendar exclusively for all and every purpose of their lives. So, numerology, if  applicable and having any real effect at all, is not universally applicable. Any System, which cannot be applied universally or which do not have universal application and which cannot be verified through a logical and scientific analysis, has no truth in it.
