Saturday, 28 December 2013

                                        ASPECT OF PLANETS
                                           ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE
In Astrology, it is believed that the planets look into and towards the direction of the various zodiac signs and if any planet is in that zodiac or house, it also look on or cast aspect on that planet also. But the planets do not cast aspect equally in all directions and on all the zodiac signs. Each planet follows a different mode, pattern and direction and more on some zodiac signs and less on others. For example, Jupiter casts full aspect on the 5th, 7th and 9th houses or zodiac signs from the place it is in the horoscope calculated anti-clock-wise. It also casts 3/4th aspects on 4th & 8th places and 1/4th aspect on 3rd & 10th houses. Mars casts full aspect on the 4th, 7th and 8th places, 50% aspect on 5th & 9th and 1/4th aspect on 3rd & 10th houses. Saturn, on the other hand, casts full aspect on 3rd, 7th and 10th houses, 3/4th aspect on 4th & 8th houses and ½ aspect on 5th & 9th houses. The subject also states that all other planets including Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu also casts aspects on different zodiac signs and on planets therein somewhere fully and somewhere at a lesser degree.  
It may be said that such “looking” or “Casting aspect” so selectively, more in some directions and less in other, is possible if the planet has a conscious mind which it can apply and use it at its discretion or if the planets body or structure is such that reflection of light or energy and its forces acts in such a fashion that its forces act in that order. In Indian astrology planets are not only taken to be conscious but are also given the position of God or a deity by the names of Guru for Jupiter, Shani Deva for Saturn, Daitya Guru Shukracharyya for Venus and so on. Astrologers consider the planets as living being having a conscious mind. But so far no proof has been forwarded in support of such claim and it has not been established that the planets are living beings having a mind which it can apply at its own free will. It may also be mentioned here that such personification of the planets has been condemned both in the Vedas and the Upanisadas.   
On the other hand we know that the planets are round in shape except for Saturn which, though round in shape, has three rings around it. All the planets rotate around their axes while revolving round the Sun. The normal rule states that a round object, if emitting any force, energy or power, will do so only in equal proportion all around it while rotating and revolving at the same time.  It will not do so selectively more in one direction and less in another. Therefore the fact is in contradiction with the astrological theory of selective aspect of planets.
We therefore find that the astrological theory on aspect of planets selectively on the different houses or zodiac signs is not supported either by facts or by any rules of nature.  The theory of aspect of planets in astrology is a figment of wild imagination and has no logical or scientific basis.


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