Saturday, 29 October 2016

                                 RELIGION AND ASTROLOGY
                                       ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE

Religion and astrology are two different subjects. People in our country and particularly the Hindus, have a misconception that astrology is an integral part of and/or approved by religion. They also believe that astrology originated in the Vedas. The fact, however, is otherwise. Astrology and religion are completely two different subjects. Astrology originated in Babylon. When astrology came to India from the middle-east countries via Greece and Egypt, it was rejected by our sages on the ground that it is not useful to human life and society. The Vedas and the Upanisadas, which are the very basis of Hinduism, do not deal with anything relating to astrology. Vedas nowhere state of any relation between a planet in the sky and a person’s life, character and destiny. It do not prescribe the rules for casting the horoscope and also do not prescribe the rules for making predictions on the basis of stars and planets and their positions in the sky. On the other hand The Vedas and the Upanishads condemned the subject and its faith stating that it takes a person to the darkest regions of ignorance.
It is admitted that there are many reference about astrology & astrological predictions in the Puranas, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The people of that period of time believed, for one reason or other, in astrology and astrological predictions. And that is the reason it is mentioned in the stories in the Puranas and the Epics. However, It may please be noted that the Vedas and the Upanisadas are the texts which are the basis and foundation of Hinduism and Hindu religion. When those texts condemn a subject, no other text can overrule that verdict and can neither authenticate nor endorse it.
Srimad Bhagbat Gita teaches us to have faith on one's own self and on God alone. Religious texts irrespective of faith, creed or class do not deal or deliberate on stars and planets or the methods of calculation of human destiny on the basis of those inanimate objects in the sky. Great religious teachers, sadhus and saints such as Sankaracharyya, Madhabacharyya, Ramanuja, Mahavira, Gautam Buddha, Chaitanya Dev, Guru Nanak, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Guru Ramanand, Sant Kabir, Tailanga Swami and also great Tantric sadhaks like Bama Khsyapa, Kamalakanta and others did never preach or advice people on the basis of such faith. Goutama Buddha prohibited his disciples to study, preach or practice on the basis of such faith. Guru Nanak Ji openly condemned it. Swami Vivekananda condemned it being a weakness of the mind and asked people to be brave and face life with faith on one's own self and on God alone.
In  other major religion around the world, such as Christianity and Islam, there is no mention of any relation between the stars and planets in the sky and a man’s life and destiny. 


Monday, 24 October 2016

                               ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE

Astrologers claim that the subject is based on science. They also claim that mathematical calculations are made to ascertain the ascendant and the positions of stars and planets in the birth chart or the horoscope. They also claim that the position of stars and planets in the horoscope is based on astronomy. That is the reason forwarded in support of their claim. There is no doubt that the ascendant and the position of stars and planets are made on the basis of a branch of science which is known as positional astronomy. It is also admitted that some mathematical calculation are required to be made to draw the birth chart. It is also claimed that a number of predictions have come true and therefore it is a science. But is it enough to make a claim that the subject matter is a science or a subject is based on science or logical and scientific truth? Just because a number of predictions have come true in a particular case or cases does not make it a science. It must explain a cause & effect relationship between the planetary position and the predictions and must also explain through experiments and demonstrations that stars and planets affects human life and destiny as per the position of stars & planets as stated in the theories & rules in astrology. Astrologers, as an example of planets’ influence mention the tide and ebb and change of mood in some persons on full moon and new moon days. There is no denying the fact that a matter physically attracts another matter and it causes events. But how can it also explain a change in a man’s destiny, say getting a better job or fixing of his/her marriage? In that way, even a flower, a garbage dump in front of your house, a tree, a river, ocean or a mountain also plays a part in a person’s life, his mood and in his life style in many ways. The main point is whether the positions of stars and planets and predictions can be explained in a logical and scientific manner. Ownership of zodiac by planets, friendship & enmity between planets, exaltation & debilitation of planets are some of the rules of astrology which do not have any logical or scientific basis and are not supported by any branches of science. Zodiac holds an important part in astrology. All astrological predictions depend on the position of planets in a zodiac sign. But it is known fact that zodiac signs are imaginary figures created by human beings by drawing imaginary lines between a few stars which appear to be lying close to each other in the sky. But we know that those stars in a zodiac sign are not close to one another vertically or horizontally. And also we know that a zodiac sign is not a body formed by nature but was created by human imagination.  Therefore it is clear that all predictions based on planatory positions based on zodiac signs are also imaginary and not real. Nobody, so far, answered to the points raised above and/or explained and established the cause & effect relationship between planetary position and human destiny and established through experiments and demonstrations that such claim can be scientifically and logically proved.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

                                ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE
  How is it determined that one is born under a particular star ? It is determined according to the position of Moon nearest to the star in the sky. Am I right ? Therefore the position of the star concerned is the vital point in determining the birth star. Now the main point is that the stars in the sky are very far away in the sky. It is also a fact that when we see any object, we only see it either by the light emitted by it or by reflection of light. We also know that light takes time to travel. The light from the Sun takes about eight (8) minutes to travel from the Sun to our eyes on earth. In the same way, light from stars takes time to reach our eyes. Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. A light year means the distance covered by running at the speed of light, the speed of 1,86,000 miles per second.  The stars in the sky are so far away that even at such high speed,  light takes many years to travel from a star in the sky to our eyes on earth. Most of the stars in the 12 zodiac signs are between 50 light years to 1000 light years away from the earth. It means that light takes about 50 years to travel from the star to our eyes on earth in case of a star which is 50 light years away from earth. If the star is 500 light years away, light will take 500 years to travel from the star to the earth. So, when we see a star at a particular point in the sky, we see the light emitted by it some 50, 100, 500 or 1000 years prior to the time we see it. The star actually may or may not be in the same position as we see it. We only see the light and decide that the star is at that point only and make our calculation of position of Moon, and other planets in the sky. The entire calculation process is based on the assumption that the star is actually there where we see it. But this assumption is an assumption only and not the truth. 
On the basis of the above facts it is clear that the astrological theory that life and destiny of a person has any relation with stars including the zodiac signs and position of planets are all based on assumptions and imaginary ideas and are not real.


Friday, 14 October 2016

We shall now consider the question about the qualities and powers of the various planets. The planets, as we see, are objects in the sky revolving around the Sun. However, in astrology, even the Sun is believed to be a planet. In astrology, it is believed that each planet has some qualities. For example Jupiter possesses the qualities of  wisdom,. Mars is considered  to represent courage, Mercury with intelligence, Venus for love etc. The planets also have the powers of not only influencing a person’s life and character but also power of doing either good or bad and also according to the position held by it in the horoscope.  It is believed that Dev Guru Brihaspati, Daitya Guru Shukra, and other such Gurus and renowned powerful persons act through the planets. Some of us also believe that God acts through the planets & stars to reward or punish the people.  In other words the planets are a form of those great people/characters acting on the earth and on everything on earth. It is further believed that Dev Guru Brihaspati, Daitya Guru Shukra, Shnaischara, Budha, Mangal etc. are one of the various and  different forms, characteristics, qualities and aspects of “SAKARA BRAHMA”. 
There is no denying the fact that each planet is named after one of the renowned persons or characters, whether historical or fictional. Brihaspati or Jupiter is named after Dev Guru or Greek God Jupiter. Shukra or Venus is named after Daitya Guru or Greek Goddess Venus. Etc. The planets are named after them. But does it mean that those planets, which are inanimate objects in the sky, also acquired the qualities and powers of the persons/characters after whom they were named ?  
You are aware that places, roads, buildings etc are named after some reputed persons, such as Gandhi Bhavan, Patel Nagar etc. So, in earlier days when people studying the sky, discovered a planet, they used to recognise it in the name of some reputed person/character of that or earlier period.. Thus when a planet was discovered, they used to name it after a renowned person like Dev Guru Brihaspati (Jupiter) or Shukracharyya (Venus), Shanaiischara (Saturn )etc. When a building is named after, say a poet or a singer, does the building  acquire the qualities of the poet or the singer and can write poems or start singing.?  Any such idea is simply ridiculous. A road named after a politician statesman, does not become a statesman. The building or the road remains a building or a road only. Thus when a planet was named after a renowned person the planet does not acquire the qualities and powers of that person but remains what it is, that is an inanimate object in the sky, revolving round the Sun. There is no scientific  proof of the planets possessing any such powers & qualities as is believed in astrology. According to Hindu Puranas, Budha (Mercury) is the son of Chandra (Moon). But, as we know, Budha (Mercury) is a planet of the SUN and Chandra (Moon) is a satellite of earth. Budha (Mercury) was not born out of Chandra (Moon) and has no relation, as such, between them. It is thus clear that the planets in the sky are not the same as the characters in the Hindu Puranas. The objects in the sky are only named after those Purana Characters. A mountain peak in the Himalayas was named after the then Head of Geological Survey of India Mr. Everest and the said peak became known, rather renowned as a challenge to adventure sportspersons as Everest, after the name of that Head of government officer. It will be ridiculous to assume that the mountain peak Everest thereby acquired the qualities, character and powers of the person named “Everest”. Gandhi Nagar, the city in Gujarat does not possess any othe powers and qualities of Mahatma Gandhi. The truth is that the planets do not possess any qualities and powers of the persons after whom those are named.
Therefore a planet or two or more planets occupying particular places in the sky is a natural phenomenon only and have no relation to a person's life and destiny. 