Monday, 24 October 2016

                               ARUN ROY MUKHERJEE

Astrologers claim that the subject is based on science. They also claim that mathematical calculations are made to ascertain the ascendant and the positions of stars and planets in the birth chart or the horoscope. They also claim that the position of stars and planets in the horoscope is based on astronomy. That is the reason forwarded in support of their claim. There is no doubt that the ascendant and the position of stars and planets are made on the basis of a branch of science which is known as positional astronomy. It is also admitted that some mathematical calculation are required to be made to draw the birth chart. It is also claimed that a number of predictions have come true and therefore it is a science. But is it enough to make a claim that the subject matter is a science or a subject is based on science or logical and scientific truth? Just because a number of predictions have come true in a particular case or cases does not make it a science. It must explain a cause & effect relationship between the planetary position and the predictions and must also explain through experiments and demonstrations that stars and planets affects human life and destiny as per the position of stars & planets as stated in the theories & rules in astrology. Astrologers, as an example of planets’ influence mention the tide and ebb and change of mood in some persons on full moon and new moon days. There is no denying the fact that a matter physically attracts another matter and it causes events. But how can it also explain a change in a man’s destiny, say getting a better job or fixing of his/her marriage? In that way, even a flower, a garbage dump in front of your house, a tree, a river, ocean or a mountain also plays a part in a person’s life, his mood and in his life style in many ways. The main point is whether the positions of stars and planets and predictions can be explained in a logical and scientific manner. Ownership of zodiac by planets, friendship & enmity between planets, exaltation & debilitation of planets are some of the rules of astrology which do not have any logical or scientific basis and are not supported by any branches of science. Zodiac holds an important part in astrology. All astrological predictions depend on the position of planets in a zodiac sign. But it is known fact that zodiac signs are imaginary figures created by human beings by drawing imaginary lines between a few stars which appear to be lying close to each other in the sky. But we know that those stars in a zodiac sign are not close to one another vertically or horizontally. And also we know that a zodiac sign is not a body formed by nature but was created by human imagination.  Therefore it is clear that all predictions based on planatory positions based on zodiac signs are also imaginary and not real. Nobody, so far, answered to the points raised above and/or explained and established the cause & effect relationship between planetary position and human destiny and established through experiments and demonstrations that such claim can be scientifically and logically proved.

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