Friday, 14 October 2016

We shall now consider the question about the qualities and powers of the various planets. The planets, as we see, are objects in the sky revolving around the Sun. However, in astrology, even the Sun is believed to be a planet. In astrology, it is believed that each planet has some qualities. For example Jupiter possesses the qualities of  wisdom,. Mars is considered  to represent courage, Mercury with intelligence, Venus for love etc. The planets also have the powers of not only influencing a person’s life and character but also power of doing either good or bad and also according to the position held by it in the horoscope.  It is believed that Dev Guru Brihaspati, Daitya Guru Shukra, and other such Gurus and renowned powerful persons act through the planets. Some of us also believe that God acts through the planets & stars to reward or punish the people.  In other words the planets are a form of those great people/characters acting on the earth and on everything on earth. It is further believed that Dev Guru Brihaspati, Daitya Guru Shukra, Shnaischara, Budha, Mangal etc. are one of the various and  different forms, characteristics, qualities and aspects of “SAKARA BRAHMA”. 
There is no denying the fact that each planet is named after one of the renowned persons or characters, whether historical or fictional. Brihaspati or Jupiter is named after Dev Guru or Greek God Jupiter. Shukra or Venus is named after Daitya Guru or Greek Goddess Venus. Etc. The planets are named after them. But does it mean that those planets, which are inanimate objects in the sky, also acquired the qualities and powers of the persons/characters after whom they were named ?  
You are aware that places, roads, buildings etc are named after some reputed persons, such as Gandhi Bhavan, Patel Nagar etc. So, in earlier days when people studying the sky, discovered a planet, they used to recognise it in the name of some reputed person/character of that or earlier period.. Thus when a planet was discovered, they used to name it after a renowned person like Dev Guru Brihaspati (Jupiter) or Shukracharyya (Venus), Shanaiischara (Saturn )etc. When a building is named after, say a poet or a singer, does the building  acquire the qualities of the poet or the singer and can write poems or start singing.?  Any such idea is simply ridiculous. A road named after a politician statesman, does not become a statesman. The building or the road remains a building or a road only. Thus when a planet was named after a renowned person the planet does not acquire the qualities and powers of that person but remains what it is, that is an inanimate object in the sky, revolving round the Sun. There is no scientific  proof of the planets possessing any such powers & qualities as is believed in astrology. According to Hindu Puranas, Budha (Mercury) is the son of Chandra (Moon). But, as we know, Budha (Mercury) is a planet of the SUN and Chandra (Moon) is a satellite of earth. Budha (Mercury) was not born out of Chandra (Moon) and has no relation, as such, between them. It is thus clear that the planets in the sky are not the same as the characters in the Hindu Puranas. The objects in the sky are only named after those Purana Characters. A mountain peak in the Himalayas was named after the then Head of Geological Survey of India Mr. Everest and the said peak became known, rather renowned as a challenge to adventure sportspersons as Everest, after the name of that Head of government officer. It will be ridiculous to assume that the mountain peak Everest thereby acquired the qualities, character and powers of the person named “Everest”. Gandhi Nagar, the city in Gujarat does not possess any othe powers and qualities of Mahatma Gandhi. The truth is that the planets do not possess any qualities and powers of the persons after whom those are named.
Therefore a planet or two or more planets occupying particular places in the sky is a natural phenomenon only and have no relation to a person's life and destiny. 

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